DIY: Easy Pineapple Costume 

This is by far the easiest costume I’ve ever put together and I’d recommend it for pretty much anyone. It’s perfect for the creative, non-creative, those in a rush or the budget conscious. Also keep in my mind this is a DIY- Do it Yourself Costume so you can completely costumize it to your style and preference!

The entire look can be created for $20 or less! I actually only spent $1 (literally $1 at Dollar Tree) since I already had the yellow dress, headband and glue. All I needed to buy was a green poster board. If you are starting from scratch the most expensive piece is probably the yellow outift.

Here’s what you need:

  • Yellow outfit– I used a dress but you can get creative here and use what works best for you you. Dress, t shirt, jumpsuit, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s yellow
  • 1 Green poster board… you could probably use regular construction paper or card stock but the poster board was sturdy and provided a nice shape in my opinion
  • 1 Toilet paper or paper towel roll
  • Glue… super glue or glue gun may work best. I started with regular craft glue but it wasn’t sticking well so I switched to super glue
  • 1 Headband
  • (Optional) String or ribbon

1. Draw and cut out several leaf shapes varying in height. I cut 15 but I don’t think I used all of them.

2. Now start to glue the leaves around the toilet paper roll. First start with the tallest ones and keep going around until you fill up all the empty space. Then move on to the medium length, then short, so on and so on. It’s okay to layer/over lap them as you go.

TIP: If using regular glue or super glue it may be difficult at first to get the leaves to hold the shape around the roll but just keep holding them down and pressing on the glue so it dries in place.

As you continue to glue them around the roll, bend the tops slightly so they hang over to resemble a real pineapple.

3. Once you are done gluing the leaves it’s time to attach it to the headband. You can do this one of three ways: 1) poke two holes at the bottom and insert the headband (what I did), 2) use a glue gun to attach or 3) poke the two holes at the bottom but use a string/ribbon to connect it to the headband.

I chose the first option because I didn’t have a glue gun and figured this would be easiest. Be careful when making the holes not to rip apart the stem. Mine got a little messy but I was able to make it work. To make the holes I used a scissor at first and then carved them out a little more using a knife (CAUTION- be careful when doing this!).

You need to make one hole on each side and make sure they line up relatively well so that when you loop the headband through it is even.

And you’re done! I attached the stem at a slight angle but you can center it if you like.


Check out my previous blog post for more pics of the final look: 2017 Pineapple Costume

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